Solar panels can be an attractive option for saving money long term. Since it can be a large project with a big up-front investment, we created this guide to educate you on everything you need to know beforehand.
While solar panels are a great way to save money, they may not be for everyone. Our guide walks you through important factors that every customer needs to consider before installing them. Things like your location, the direction your roof faces, and when you may need to repair or replace your home’s roof next will all have a big impact on your decision.
The up front costs of installing solar panels usually range between $10-25K (and sometimes even higher). Explore all the factors that go into determining the final price of buying and installing panels on your home, as well as options for financing them over time.
Solar technology has improved dramatically over the last decade. So you may be considering waiting longer for the technology to mature and prices to drop. Our guide analyzes pricing trends versus technological improvements over the last decade so you get a better idea of when the right time to invest is.
This will be different for everyone as it’s based on your geography, climate, energy needs, and even the location and position of your home. Our guide can help you break down all of these factors to get a better idea of how long it will be until you see a return on your solar panel investment.